Testing Reports
From Rewards Hoopla | Tuesday, July 11, 2023 No chasing this or that, regardless. Our eyes are on stats!
Referral Rewards Advertising Testing Rankings Builder100% Independent Statistical Testing Since 2002 To the building and growing of your business!Referral Rewards Rankings Rewards Hoopla is free traffic building that helps anyone. Rewards Hoopla is referral rewards success one day at a time. Testing Reports Have you ever seen our testing reports? No! not the rankings! Have you ever seen our testing reports? Many say they know all about us and all about this or that. But they have never seen our testing reports. Each month, we track, collect, and analyze over one million hits. The top ranking is determined by an overall composite score from: Raw Traffic Hoopla Traffic Total sign-ups Conversion Rate Special Conversions Hits Unique Hits Commissions View the testing reports! The numbers are most revealing! There are thousands of advertising resources! Most are worthless! However, there are those that do work! We see results every day. View the reports. Use the reports. Do not join! Do not spend! until you first check the testing reports. Join Free This is your guide to promoting your business!